Our expertise
From screening to chronic treatment studies, our established rodent models and experimental paradigms allow you to obtain high-added value data on the efficacy and mechanisms of action of your health products in order to optimize and anticipate their clinical success.

Metabolic diseases
Metabolic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, or MASLD/MASH, affect millions of people worldwide and can severely affect their quality of life. While treatments have improved for many of these diseases, a high need of developed, safe, and effective therapeutics remains. Thanks to our strong expertise in metabolic diseases and their complications as well as in the preclinical evaluation of your compound, we can help you in your development process.
Excess body fat impacting health Learn more
Metabolic Dysfunction-associated liver diseases Learn more
Artery blockage leading to heart disease Learn more
Disruption of insulin action & glucose homeostasis Learn more
Binge eating
The most common eating disorder worldwide Learn more
GI disorders
GI disorders include conditions such as constipation, diarrhea, and inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis…). Thanks to our expertise, we offer established rodent models of such disorders that constitute powerful tools for the preclinical assessment of your compounds.
A chronic condition that negatively impacts quality of life Learn more
Inflammatory conditions of the GI track Learn more
Muscle wasting is a debilitating condition that develops with ageing as a physiological response to fasting or malnutrition, and in many diseases, including cancer-associated cachexia, sarcopenia diabetes, or cardiac failure. The loss of muscle mass or strength primarily results from excessive protein breakdown and reduced protein synthesis. Genetic diseases such as in the Duchenne muscular Dystrophy can also lead to muscular dysfunction. The loss of muscle function can lead to reduced quality of life, increased morbidity and mortality.
Age-related muscle loss Learn more
Genetic disorder causing muscle degeneration Learn more
Severe muscle wasting and weight loss conditionLearn more
As we like to say at BIOMEOSTASIS, “in vivo VERITAS”!
Founded in 2010 by Bruno BARIOHAY, Ph.D. and Julien ROUX, Ph.D., Biomeostasis has been implicated in more than three hundred and fifty in vivo preclinical projects to date.